the need for discretion is completely understandable. virtually everyone who is interested in these events wants to be discreet on some level. there may be a multitude of reasons for this, but they are all very good. therefore, NO information about people who come is shared with anyone else. you cannot get a description of men who are coming to a particular event, or see photos of men who will be attending.
but you want me to send pics of myself to you. why do you need to see my photos?
pictures are needed because guys who attend are easy on the eyes. it would not be fair to offer these sorts of events and say the men were attractive, if they were not. the obvious way for me to ascertain that is to see what people look like. i do not share your photos with anyone. nor do i masturbate to them (sorry, but i don't get off that way). somehow, though, you need to trust that i am not going to fuck around with your information. i mean, look what i am doing! i'm just trying to put together some good parties.
is there ANY way i can do this without sending you pics?
hmmm - let me guess. you have a really important job, and feel you can't take the risk. or you're in the military and there's no way - - no how. maybe you can't take the chance because you're super nervous that your spouse/partner/boyfriend/girlfriend would somehow find out. or, perhaps you just hate the way your current photos look.
well, the answer is... yes! click here for additional details.
can’t i just show up?
no, you can not just show up. for the reasons above. i run quality events; if you were coming you would not want me accepting other people who i had never seen. somewhere along the line you need to trust that i am real, i am honest, and i have kick-ass parties...
are cameras allowed?
no, there are absolutely no cameras allowed. no videos cameras, no still cameras. and because most cell phones have cameras, the use of cell phones is banned in all places except the kitchen.
is the location discreet?
yes. these events are held in a private, clean, security-entry apartment building. therefore, outside the apartment, or even inside at the front door, it is inappropriate to talk loudly about sex stuff. if you are attending an event, you should dress and act appropriately when arriving and leaving. in lobbies, elevators and hallways, be discreet in your talk, and don't say anything about the event. try not to use hallways or stairwells for conversation. if you need to leave to converse, it might be better to take a stroll outside, away from the building.
can i be anonymous? can i use a different name?
some people who attend these events do aim to be anonymous. of course you can use a different name, if you choose. until you know someone well, it’s not really good manners to ask the typical questions heard in other social situations, like “where do you work?” or “what’s your last name?” better to give the anonymity to those who want to be anonymous.